On 07/18/2018 09:24 AM, Daniel Mach wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The DNF team is currently reviewing DNF compatibility with YUM 3 and we'd 
> like to get feedback on this one: 
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1120253
> rpmdb checksum is a checksum of all installed RPMs
> It has no cryptographical value, it's just an unique ID of RPMs on a system 
> before and after each transaction and it's used in dnf history info and dnf 
> history list.
> If checksums of 2 following transactions do not match, DNF indicates that.
> This happens if a user installs an RPM by hand via rpm command.
> Then `dnf history list` looks like:
>      2 | install bar | 2018-01-01 02:00 | Install        |    2  <
>      1 | install foo | 2018-01-01 01:00 | Install        |    7 >
> the "<" and ">" characters indicate discontinuity in rpmdb hashes
> Here's the question:
> DNF computes the checksum from RPM N-E:V-R.A
> while YUM computed it from E:N-V-R.A

Could we just update dnf/"newyum" to calculate both checksums and
only represent the discontinuity if neither match? Obviously this
increases the chance of a collision, but could put this conversation
to rest.

At some distant point in the future we can stop calculating 'E:N-V-R.A'
since all new transactions would have been calculated based on 'N-E:V-R.A'

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