On Sun, 2 Sep 2018 09:33:39 +0200
Andreas Tunek <andreas.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is no root acoount on a default F29 installation. Also, you
> can't see the boot menu and I haven't been able to trigger it.

Whoa!  I'm not sure what that buys, but I'll change that as soon as
possible when I install it.  That's crazy!  Maybe someone wants to
imitate a Mac or something.  "Don't you trouble your pretty little head
about what is going on behind the scenes, dearie, it is all taken
care of.  You just watch the pretty pictures, leave the driving to us."
And that's reasonable for a certain class of users.
> Is there a guide or something how to do that?

Alexander gave you one option, here are a couple of others.



A Fedora livecd would also work, anything that can boot the system
without using the installed image.  The advantage of using a recent
fedora live image is that the kernel and packages will be compatible.  

> Disk is not cheap on my test laptop unfortunately...

There isn't even 80 GB, maybe less, free to clone the current version
before you update?  An rsync makes this easy, though you should
probably do it from a live image so the temporary stuff created during
boot isn't there.

> I think that install is gone and all I can do is reinstall. Not very
> fun.....

I think you can recover, though it will be some work.  In your
situation, I would try to recover, as I think a reinstall will take
more time and effort than a recovery.

All that is needed is to either downgrade dbus, or update it to the
repaired version.  You could just go to koji, grab the fixed dbus rpms,
cp them into the installed system from the rescue environment, 
chroot into the installed system from the rescue environment,
and then run
dnf -C update [the koji files, space separated]
rpm -ivh [the koji files, space separated]
Then leave the chroot with
and shutdown.

After that, booting into the system should work as dbus will be
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