On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 06:27 +0100, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
> On 5 August 2010 21:49, Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yaah -- so if it's useful documentation, then I'd be against creating a rule
> > that bans it.  The next question would be whether it's useful or not....
> > Public vs private certainly sounds like one thing to look at.  However, some
> > libraries might want to ship information about their private interfaces for
> > people who want to help hack on the library so it's not a 100% thing that
> > I'd want to enforce with a Guideline....
> >
> > Perhaps in these two specific cases it would be best to open bugs for the
> > maintainers to look at whether some of the documentation in here isn't
> > considered useful and could be left out.
> I have to agree with Toshio here - it would be a bad move to be
> banning sub-packaged docs. In the case of root I can say that the root
> docs sub-package is very useful.

Sigh.  No one is suggesting banning sub-packaged docs.  I find them
quite useful myself.  My suggestion was to limit the size of
automatically generated documentation.  However, the feedback I'm
getting seems to suggest that a number of people disagree with me. :)

I've taken a look at the root source rpm, and it looks like root-doc is
generated by root itself *after* root has been completely built (rather
than as part of root's build process).

I've opened a bug, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=621812
suggesting that the documentation generation be moved even later, into
the %post section of the root-doc install.  This means the documentation
will be generated on the user's machine, eliminating the need for a
massive download.


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