Hi fedora-devel,

This morning I set out to set up a VM for web development for a project I've 
been working on so I could access my development environment from multiple 
locations / workstations without having to set it up again and again on 
different systems.

I had a surprisingly difficult time in doing this. The steps I followed, 
wanting to interact with the VM via virt-manager [1]:

- Look at Atomic website page, find link for cloud images, try image advertised 
as libvirt (was a box image), try to import into virt-manager, fail 
(not a bootable image)
- Realize that was a dumb move and try again with raw image. Tried to import 
into virt-manager, didn't know I have to decompress manually first. Fail. (not 
a bootable image)
- Give up on Fedora base cloud image, try server. 3GB download, takes 30 min to 
install. Install concludes with somehow either crashing the hypervisor or 
disconnecting virt-manager from the hypervisor.
- Realize how heavyweight server seems and it's not going to be good for 
something I really wanted to be lean and clean, esp when seeing stuff like 
snappy scroll by in the package install list (nothing against snappy, just not 
smtg I'd expect in a lean webdev env)
- Get help in an irc development channel, learn I have to extract the raw 
image, hurrah, quick results except! Boot stalls.
- Found out it's cloud-info stalling the boot.
- Yay I have a login prompt! What's the login info? Gahhhh...
- Realize have to run virt-customize --uninstall cloud-init --root-password 
password:whatever --selinux-relabel -a theimage
- Success finally (ETA 1.5 hrs not 100% fully attended of course)

Note that:
- I searched the Fedora docs, website, ask Fedora, and did general searches at 
each point of failure and didn't find much in the way of guidance. Only in 
talking to a couple of knowledegable and helpful folks in real time was I able 
to get past the fail points.
- Something else to note that's non obvious is setting up virt manager as 
non-root, first answer 

OK so my questions for you, Fedora development community:

- Is running a lightweight local VM for web development a usecase we want to 
support? Is it dare I ask important?
- If so, is what I ended up setting up what we want people in that usecase to 
do? (E.g. use Fedora cloud base image, set up in virt-manager or boxes, using 
virt-customize to remove cloud-init and configure login password?

If yes to both, I would be happy to help improving docs / websites / etc. to 
support the use case as well as filing some RFEs in the tools to make the 
experience better (e.g., if virt-manager could recognize a compressed raw image 
and offer to decompress it or at least tell user to do so, would be a win, for 
example.) But if I'm doing something edge-casey or not meant to be done, 
obviously that's a wasted effort.

Let me know what you think!


[1] Note I used virt-manager bc other webdevs I know use it and I'm familiar 
with using it for connecting to remote hypervisors which was a main thing I 
wanted to do. Happy to use Boxes if it allows that since it looks so slick, 
don't know enough about it to know if it does!
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