Le vendredi 19 octobre 2018 à 14:55 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé a écrit :
> I don't know why Red Hat's mailman impl isn't upgraded, but it is
> not blocked by lack of Python 3 on RHEL.
> Red Hat Software Collections have been providing Python 3.x versions
> that run on RHEL since ~2013. They exist as add-on yum repos, 

Well that's another thing 200% broken in the current Fedora RHEL
universe (and I speak both with my Fedora contributor hat, and as
someone who was tasked with procuring RHEL systems in a fortune xxx
company not so long ago).

The whole "but it's in an optional RHEL repo" just kills *any* form
RHEL/Fedora symbiosis.

No one but RH knows what ends up in what optional repo for what reason,
they're ignored by Centos, it's completely impossible to push anything a
tad complex from Fedora to EPEL because it will depend on things RH
stashed away in an optional repo centos does not rebuild, and you're
forbidden to put a copy in EPEL because it may collide with the optional
repos, and so on.

That's how we end up with the hilarious situation where the Go EPEL6
stack is both newer and more complete than the Go EPEL7 stack because RH
vacuumed some Go packages in an optional EL7 repo and now it's
impossible to do anything Go-related in EPEL7.

I'm sure the RH marketoïds *love* the optional repos, it's segmentation
market 101, but concretely? They're the kiss of death for anything in
Fedora that has enterprise applications, because almost no one is going
to bother contributing things in Fedora, that he needs enterprise-side,
if the result has zero chance of ending up in EPEL.

The end result is that no one but RH contributes to EL optional repos,
and no one who is working on RH EL7 repos has the slightest interest in
integrating with Fedora since they do not see any stream of EPEL Fedora

Or, you end up deploying enterprise systems with your own private
rebuild of Fedora packages for EL, and you know what? At this point the
bean counters just ask “why are we paying $$$ to RH again, I see you
spend your time rebuilding Fedora packages, can't you use Debian if the
EL part of RHEL is useless?”


Nicolas Mailhot
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