On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 15:05, Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org> wrote:

>  > I'm not able to parse this. This very thread is more information that
>  > may get us to move it up in priority. Can you rephrase?
> I don't know what "Fedora management" values, or what is needed by the
> people who are doing the work that devel is designed for (coordinating
> packages, troubleshooting dependencies, etc).  However, there are
> forums related to Fedora that people have put up (and IIUC fedoraforum
> is an experiment set up by the Fedora project itself).  That means

Fedora Forum is from a long time ago when Fedora was just starting up.
At that time things were being set up in a more confederated method
where teams would run the products they wanted. The discussions of
mailing lists vs web-something have gone on since 2004 at least. And
they branch out into 'you should use slack!', 'you should use irc',
'telegram!', 'USEnet!' 'you all are wrong. the Plato system had a
superior method', etc etc etc

> there is some dissatisfaction.  But turning that into requirements, or
> justifying using admin resources, etc to upgrade requires more
> knowledge about the community than I have.
> I haven't found this thread very informative, to be honest.  The email
> advocates say "it works, could be better" (which given the traffic
> levels I'd have to say is true) which isn't very specific about *what*

Which pretty sums up every one of these conversations over the last 15
years. I don't think either side really can formulate things any more
than a left handed person can say why they are left handed versus
right handed.. one method works better for their brain and the other
doesn't. Does it work perfectly? No but the other method is like using
a tool which always feels wrong. You might be able to learn to use it
but it always itches. Trying to explain it beyond that comes down to
things like 'well it must be superior because I work better on it!'
versus 'well my brain likes to categorize things in this visual method
and your brain uses that method.'

And then a bunch of people try to come up with a tool which works for
everyone but find out that the larger the net, the bigger the holes.
Roll around 2-3 years and we will see another version.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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