= Pantheon Desktop =

== Summary ==

The Pantheon desktop environment is the DE that powers elementaryOS. It builds
on GNOME technologies, but utilizes components that were written from scratch
in vala, using the GTK+3 toolkit.

== Owner ==

* Name: [[User:Decathorpe | Fabio Valentini ]]
* Email: decathorpe AT fedoraproject DOT org
* Release notes owner:

== Current status ==

* Targeted release: [[Releases/30 | Fedora 30 ]]
* Tracker bug:

== Detailed Description ==

The Pantheon desktop will be another viable choice for users of fedora. In
particular, this is also interesting for users who like the Pantheon desktop,
but would prefer to use fedora instead of an ubuntu-based distribution.

Most of the components of the Pantheon desktop shell and the applications
developed by elementary have already been packaged for fedora.

== Benefit to Fedora ==

This change will make fedora the first linux distribution other than
elementaryOS to support the Pantheon Desktop environment and elementary

It gives users of fedora another choice for their desktop environment, and it
gives users of Pantheon and elementary applications the ability to choose a
different linux distribution for the first time.

== Scope ==

=== Proposal owners ===

* investigate improving missing switchboard plugs for fedora support,
and package them:
** Date and Time plug: behavioral differences between fedora / ubuntu
** Locale plug: implement dnf / PackageKit backend for langpack installation
** Power plug: remove dependency on ubuntu-specific patches to
** Security and Privacy plug: implement FirewallD backend to replace ufw

* do testing for components not yet in official fedora repositories,
and package them:
** Parental Controls plug: does this actually work on fedora?
** Sharing plug: does this actually work on fedora?
** User Accounts plug: investigate behavioral differences between
fedora / ubuntu

* improve screensaver / lock screen support
** possibly patch Pantheon session components to use standard interfaces
** consider implementing shim for GDM / gnome-screensaver and LightDM
/ light-locker compatibility, or
** consider implementing adapter for translating different DBus calls for this

* create metapackages or comps groups:
** Pantheon Session (Desktop Environment without apps)
** Pantheon Desktop (Desktop Enviromnent with apps)

=== Other developers ===

This is not a system-wide change - however, some components require the latest
releases from the accounts-SSO / signon stack.

In particular, {{package|signon-glib}} needs an update to version 2.0 to allow
packaging the Online Accounts support for switchboard and some elementary

=== Release engineering ===

No impact

=== Trademark approval ===

N/A - not needed for this Change

This Change is about simply adding Desktop Environment to fedora.
If we decide to make this a spin in the future, that will be a separate Change.

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

Packages for the Pantheon DE and elementary applications have been available
since fedora 25 in some cases, and most components have been available since
fedora 27. Upgrading to the latest fedora release brings users the latest
versions of these packages.

However, due to upstream changes, some desktop applications might lose user
settings when upgrading from fedora 28 to 29, because upstream changed their
GSettings path between releases. For that reason, the updates containing these
breaking changes were not pushed to stable releases < 29.

== How To Test ==

* install the Pantheon Desktop Environment:
{{package|pantheon-session-settings}} (metapackages / comps groups not
yet available)
* choose Pantheon session at login
* use the system as usual
* try out elementary applications
* check if screensaver kicks in (possibly doesn't work yet)

== User Experience ==

* no impact for users who don't already have the Pantheon session or
elementary applications installed
* usability and stability improvements for users who already use it

== Dependencies ==


== Contingency Plan ==

* Contingency mechanism: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Contingency deadline: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Blocks release? N/A (not a System Wide Change) - No
* Blocks product? N/A

== Documentation ==

The current status of the project and detailed instructions on how to install
the Pantheon session on fedora are available at .

== Release Notes ==

The improved Pantheon Desktop Environment and elementary applications found in
the latest release of
elementaryOS 5.0 "Juno"]
will officially be available on fedora 30 as well.

Ben Cotton
Fedora Program Manager
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