On 1/9/19 10:03 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
I'm not finding an updated version of this documentation:

And when I follow that, copy/pasting the perl script is stomping on my
kernel modules, making them zero length files. I also can't tell from
the documentation if this perl script should work on xz compressed
kernel modules, which they are by default on Fedora. I've tried it
both ways and still get zero length files, so I'm guessing the
documentation has gone stale or maybe the signing script has - not
sure how to troubleshoot it.

That script is a badly formatted copy from a terminal window. The "\ >" parts are supposed to be the end of the line and the continuation marker of the next. The script should be

perl /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha256 my_signing_key.priv my_signing_key_pub.der my_module.ko

all on one line (in case email processing breaks it). I would assume the kernel module can't be compressed for the signing.
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