On Fri, 11 Jan 2019 at 13:37, Jakub Jelinek <ja...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > So in 107 current Fedora specs are used %lang() macros.
> > Probably some of them can be removed by proper use %find_lang.
> The problem with _install_langs is that there is no easy way to change it
> after installation, say you find out you've initially installed just
> English
> and French support, but later you need German and Italian.  rpm nor dnf
> doesn't offer any easy way to add those missing %lang parts to the
> installed
> packages.

First: situation when someone may need to change set of lang dependent
resources is extremely rare.
In other words: Jakub you see the problem where in practice there is no
Second: just checked part of my own procedures adjusting set of installed
land dependent resources:

echo "reinstall packages with only necessary locale"
echo "%_install_langs en,pl" > /etc/rpm/macros
rpm --rebuilddb; dnf clean all; df -k /; rpm -qal|grep LC_MESSAGES|xargs
rpm -qf 2>&1|sort|uniq|xargs dnf -yq reinstall; rpm --rebuilddb; dnf clean
all; df -k /

Probably this can be improved by other rpm db query extracting list of
files with lang tags but for me it is GoodEnugh(tm).

Third: reduction of installed lang dependent resources can be done by rpm
db query -> extract list of files which needs to be removed -> correct list
of installed files -> remove unwanted files. Add such function to existing
to existing rpm/dnf (you must probably agree) will be trivial. Isn't it?
Extending set of installed languages support in case of rpm is only
possible to do by full download of affected packages and reinstall them or
in simplified scenario extract files which needs to be added to installed
system image.
In other words .. even this is relatively easy.

And yes .. at the moment only Solaris IPS provides handling above scenarios
in simplest possible way because in IPS semantic package exist only as
object in remotely accessible repository which each object like file or
metadata can be downloaded separately. This solves as well many other rpm
issues like existence of rpm noarch package, lack of sharing common files
between arch dependent packages and sharing not changing files between
packages versions/releases on packages repository side.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH
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