On 08/13/2010 01:23 AM, Luke Macken wrote:
> On 08/12/2010 07:12 PM, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Luke Macken wrote:
>>>         - Minimum time-in-testing requirements
>>>             - Every day bodhi will look for updates that have been
>>>               in testing for N days (fedora: N=7, epel: N=14), and will
>>>               add a comment notifying the maintainer that the update is
>>>               now able to be pushed to stable.
>> Suppose I submit a package to testing and it gets pushed. Six days
>> later, I find a terrible bug in the package (or a user reports this to
>> me). I fix the package and edit the update, request the fixed  package
>> to be pushed to testing again and it gets pushed the next day.
>> Now without any further testing the package can be pushed to stable,
>> which contradicts the purpose of this whole change in bodhi.
>> I think, for packages that are modified during the testing period,
>> this N should be calculated from the day the last push was made to
>> testing.

This would very unhelpful.

> Yes, this was my initial intention.  However, looking at the code a bit
> closer, your scenario would currently be allowed, as it currently only
> calculates the time-in-testing based on the first push to testing.
This behavior is helpful, because otherwise updates would "starve".

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