On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 15:39:59 -0400
Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm negative towards this change and not part of the KDE SIG but don't
> really like to clutter up the mailing lists with a bunch of negative
> energy. And I don't like the way it makes me feel about Fedora to
> continually try to get a compromise solution that accomodates
> everyone when none of the parties with the power to change things
> want to be reasonable.  (This is probably an oversimplification.... I
> know at least one person who sat on FESCo at the time of this change
> being passed feeling the same way I do about needing a compromise and
> not being heard when they tried to ask for one. Ironically, they are
> right that they were drowned out by the combative voices on both
> sides... I don't even remember when they mentioned the compromise
> solution there were so many other strident voices.)

Yeah. I for one appreciate your collecting ideas and helping to try and
broker a compromise, even though this didn't end up happening. ;( 

Sorry you feel negative about the changes. 

> So I've kept my voice out of this... and hopefully, now that you know
> that it's not just hte KDE SIG, I can go back to doing so again.

I would like folks to keep in mind a few other things: 

1. We are changing things to help improve stability of our stable
releases. These changes may fail to help, or may be too far toward the
stable side of things. We can adjust them and revise them, but give
them a chance first?

2. FESCo is working on implementing the Board's "Stable release


and our implementation containers: 

Not to pass the buck, but if you have issues with the Stable release
updates vision from the Board, you can talk to them on their list about
it. If you have issues with our implementation of it, feel free to
chime in with constructive ideas above or on this list. 


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