Mike McGrath said the following on 08/16/2010 12:18 PM Pacific Time:
> On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Peter Jones wrote:
>> On 08/16/2010 02:06 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
>>> On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Peter Jones wrote:
>>>> On 08/12/2010 02:39 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "BN" == Bill Nottingham<nott...@redhat.com>  writes:
>>>>>> BN>  I can't help but note that the slips have become more frequent as we
>>>>>> BN>  started to actually *have* release criteria to test against. We
>>>>>> BN>  didn't slip nearly as much when we weren't testing it.
>>>>>> To me this implies that we should begin testing earlier (or, perhaps,
>>>>>> never stop testing) and treat any new failure as an event of
>>>>>> significance.  It's tough to meet a six month cycle if we spend half of
>>>>>> it telling people to expect everything to be broken.
>>>>> Possibly also stop changing earlier?
>>>> The window for changes is already far too short.
>>> How long is that window anyway?
>> Depends on how you count.  If we count development start to feature freeze:
>> F12: 48 days (including july 4th)
>> F13: 53 days (including christmas and the US thanksgiving holiday)
>> F14: 63 days (including july 4th)
>> Or maybe development start to alpha freeze:
>> F12: 76 days (including july 4th)
>> F13: 84 days (including christmas and the US thanksgiving holiday)
>> F14: 70 days (including july 4th)
>> Of course, some people would like to count from the previous "Final 
>> Development
>> Freeze" (or even earlier) to, say, feature freeze, even though this is wildly
>> unrealistic for many of us:
>> F12: 105 days (including july 4th)
>> F13: 133 days (including christmas and the US thanksgiving holiday)
>> F14: 115 days (including july 4th)
>> this basically assumes nobody has to do any work on the previous release 
>> after
>> the final development freeze, which isn't really true.
>> (I realize there are other important holidays in other countries, but I 
>> figure
>> this is a reasonable enough sample for exemplary purposes)
>> Actually, from computing these numbers I think the best lesson is that our
>> schedules have been so completely volatile that it's very difficult to claim
>> they support any reasonable conclusions.
> I think this is worth further discussion.  If the number is towards the
> 48-63 days level and that's what window people are actually doing
> development that may be a problem because it is an extremely short time
> period.
> It's also interesting that with all the freezes, deadlines, etc we have
> firm explicit set dates.  While active development is implicit.  it might
> be worth it to set active deployment as an explicit time period just as
> another reminder to everyone about when major changes are going on vs when
> they aren't.
>       -Mike

It is implicit here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/14/Schedule

It is more explicit here: 
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