
I've had some issues with tests for xtl not working on
ppc64le/armv7hl. These tests work fine on Fedora 29, but fail on 30+
[1]. Unfortunately, koschei does not check these platforms, but I'm
fairly certain these started failing when gcc was updated to 9.0.0.
Upstream is also suspicious that this might be a gcc9 issue [2].

Based on the errors, it's as if the code that's supposed to run to
modify strings just isn't run. It's as if the compiler has determined
that it should optimize away the relevant code. But somehow this
doesn't happen on all platforms.

While I am familiar with C and bits of C++, the template usage here is
a bit too much for me to figure out. Can anyone familiar with this
sort of thing take a look at what might be wrong?

[1] https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=35079811
[2] https://github.com/QuantStack/xtl/issues/137

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