On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Reindl Harald wrote:

> Will 2.6.34 pushed to stable?
> My question is because there were also some > 2.6.30 builds for
> F11 which never rolled out and it could possible relax some things
> in combination with VMware / open-vm-tools
> https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1373
> I see this two builds in my test-vm form "updates-testing"
> kernel-
> kernel-

At this stage I imagine the only answer you will get is that it might do. 
As there are 2.6.34 builds in koji the kernel team are clearly 
investigating the possibility of switching to 2.6.34, and if they can get 
it to work as well as or better than the current 2.6.33 kernels and it 
passes QA then they are likely to move to it.
As Fedora 13 is going to be supported for another 9 months or so, it is 
likely that the change will be made at some point.

        Michael Young
devel mailing list

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