This is a not that python-pep8 is dead upstream and changed to 

We want to get rid of python-pep8:

Please migrate your package away from python-pep8 / python-pytest-pep8 to python-pycodestyle / python-pytest-pycodestyle (*).

(*) python-pytest-pycodestyle needs to be packaged, I can do that if there is a demand


Maintainers by package:
buildstream          bochecha
imgbased             dougsland fabiand sbonazzo yuvalturg
pylast               peter
python-autobahn      jujens
python-cliapp        salimma
python-dictdiffer    jkim jmontleon
python-f5-icontrol-rest xavierb
python-flake8-polyfill cottsay
python-keystoneauth1 alphacc apevec pabelanger
python-mwclient      adamwill rdieter tuxbrewr
python-natsort       immanetize jamatos
python-pydocstyle    tadej
python-pytest-pep8   cstratak orion
python-ryu           abregman apevec
python-shortuuid     pbrobinson
python-stem          jorti
python-terminaltables terjeros
python-txaio         jujens
python-utils         churchyard
spyder               nonamedotc thozza

Packages by maintainer:
abregman   python-ryu
adamwill   python-mwclient
alphacc    python-keystoneauth1
apevec     python-keystoneauth1 python-ryu
bochecha   buildstream
churchyard python-utils
cottsay    python-flake8-polyfill
cstratak   python-pytest-pep8
dougsland  imgbased
fabiand    imgbased
immanetize python-natsort
jamatos    python-natsort
jkim       python-dictdiffer
jmontleon  python-dictdiffer
jorti      python-stem
jujens     python-autobahn python-txaio
nonamedotc spyder
orion      python-pytest-pep8
pabelanger python-keystoneauth1
pbrobinson python-shortuuid
peter      pylast
rdieter    python-mwclient
salimma    python-cliapp
sbonazzo   imgbased
tadej      python-pydocstyle
terjeros   python-terminaltables
thozza     spyder
tuxbrewr   python-mwclient
xavierb    python-f5-icontrol-rest
yuvalturg  imgbased

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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