* James Antill:

>  Yes, we've had a spreadsheet for a bit with that data (raw data
> generated by[1]), I'll try to get that into html/wiki this week.
>  For a significant portion of the work the plan is:
> 1. ldconfig => delete them as not needed
> 2. adduser/group/etc. => sysusers files
> 3. touch/mv/cp/etc. => systemd-tmpfiles
> ...there have been ideas for some of the exceptional cases, but if we
> don't it all of them for F31 we'll still be in a better place for F32.

Do you have a way to remove files from search paths before remaining
scriptlets (from non-core packages, for example) run?  RPM deletes
removed files very late in the transaction, and if they are still on
search paths, this might cause problems.

So far, we have used %post scriptlets to delete these files immediately.

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