On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 01:19:53AM -0400, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
> That sounds like the only place where this convention is useful.
> How about .py files in /usr/bin/ ? We currently don't byte-compile the
> .py files in standard PATH, but maybe since they will go into a
> __pycache__ subdirectory, we can byte-compile them now.
> Is there any "law" in FHS that forbids having a /usr/bin/__pycache__/ 
> directory?
.pyc files wouldn't be used there so it's not relevant.  (Not because
they're in /usr/bin but because the script being invoked is
/usr/bin/something.py and python won't look for a byte compiled version of
the file being invoked.


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