Richard Shaw wrote:
> I also ran a diff from the same Pivy compiled with Coin3 and Coin4 and the
> ONLY significant difference is where the asterisk is on the QWidget lines:
> Coin3: ...(QWidget *...
> Coin4: ...(QWidget*...
> Does the space between QWidget and asterisk make a difference?

It should not. The C++ compiler does not care either way, it is the same 
type. Whitespace is not syntactic in C/C++, unless it splits a token into 2 
(e.g. "long int").

QWidget *foo, QWidget* foo, QWidget*foo, and QWidget * foo are all valid 
ways to spell the same declaration.

QWidget *foo is really how the language works, e.g., you have to write 
QWidget *foo, *bar; to get 2 pointers, QWidget* foo, bar; will be read as 
QWidget *foo, bar; and give you only one pointer and one stack-allocated 
object. So IMHO QWidget *foo is the correct way to write it. But many 
developers prefer QWidget* foo because they say the * is part of the type 
and should be attached to the type.

        Kevin Kofler
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