On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 03:30:40PM +0200, Robert-André Mauchin wrote:
> On Thursday, 10 October 2019 04:42:57 CEST Orion Poplawski wrote:
> > Anyone else seeing this?  If so, anyone know the reason and plans to
> > fix?  Thanks!
> I concur, yesterday it was taking around  a minute to get an answer from the 
> server.

Pretty please can you all indicate approximately when (UTC) you were
seeing the slowness? I suspect it may be the nightly database dump job,
but I can't tell without knowing when you saw the slowness...

I did a bunch of work recently to make it faster... but that seems to
have made the db dump cause it to be much slower. 

This includes bumping the memory on the vm from 32gb to 120gb,
increasing postgresql's shared_buffers to 48G and effective_cache size
to 32GB. 

I just killed the dump that was running. 
Can you all confirm it's much faster after 15:15UTC?

If indeed it's the dump, will try and figure out a way to tune it


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