On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 01:26:27PM -0400, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> Maybe I was too long winded, or failed to communicate my point: a
> stable (bug fix only updates, slow feature release), strongly FOSS,
> strongly upstream seems to be what some (I am not going to make
> assumptions about numbers) want. I see two problems with this:

Where, keep in mind, "slow" is defined as twice a year, right?

> 1) the nature of such a distro would make it attractive to a smaller
> percentage of the Linux community

Do you have a basis for this claim? I think it's the opposite.

> 2) the only aspect of that that would be unique is the commitment to
> upstream -- something which will be appreciated by few

I don't think that's fair at all. Fedora is unique in a lot of ways, and a
waterfall of updates isn't essential to that uniqueness.

Matthew Miller <mat...@mattdm.org>
Senior Systems Architect -- Instructional & Research Computing Services
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
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