On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 11:36:03AM -0600, Jerry James wrote:
> I would like to update the ocaml-bisect-ppx package to its latest
> version, 2.3.1.  It is currently on a post-1.4.1 git snapshot.  The
> new version requires ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned >= 5.3.0.  That
> requirement sets off a cascade of updates and rebuilds.  I am BCCing
> all of the affected package maintainers.  Here is what I would like to
> do, in the approximate order each would need to be done:

So semi-related to this, to get OCaml working on RISC-V again (a
Fedora secondary arch) we will need to at some point move to post-4.10
in Rawhide.

We've carried nojb's out of tree RISC-V patch in the OCaml package
since Nov 2016.  However he hasn't updated it for 4.10 (for various
good, but complicated technical reasons).  For this reason the OCaml
compiler doesn't work for RISC-V in Fedora 32 or Rawhide which have
OCaml 4.10.

To resolve this I'd like to use the upstream RISC-V patch which is
close to getting into the OCaml compiler:


(They're currently waiting on building a QEMU-based CI system which I
hope will be based around Fedora.)

The PR above is closer to OCaml 4.11, but OCaml 4.11 hasn't been
released yet (not even alphas).

Long and the short is this will require some sort of OCaml pre-4.11
package, and a complete rebuild of everything in Rawhide.  (I'm not
proposing that we bother fixing OCaml for RISC-V in Fedora 32).

We could do it this week?  If it helps you.  If it's going to be a
problem then I could delay this until you've rebuilt the packages you
mention below.  I don't believe the delta from 4.10 to 4.11 is that
large, but as with any rebuild of this scale there can always be
unexpected problems.

> ocaml-migrate-parsetree: update to version 1.7.0.  I'm going to want
> this version for a later ocaml-tyxml update anyway, so we may as well
> do it now while we are rebuilding most of the affected packages for
> other reasons.
> ocaml-ppxfind: rebuild due to the ocaml-migrate-parsetree update; drop
> a patch needed to work with ocaml-migrate-parsetree <= 1.5.0.
> ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned: update to 5.3.0
> ocaml-bisect-ppx: update to version 2.3.1
> ocaml-ppx-deriving: rebuild due to the ocaml-migrate-parsetree update
> ocaml-sedlex: rebuild due to the ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned update
> ocaml-lwt: update to version 5.2.0
> ocaml-curl: update to version 0.9.1 (it needs rebuilding anyway due to
> the ocaml-lwt update)
> ocaml-lwt-log: rebuild due to the ocaml-lwt update
> ocaml-ounit: rebuild due to the ocaml-lwt update
> ocaml-zmq: rebuild due to the ocaml-lwt update
> ocaml-lambda-term: update to version 2.0.3 (it needs rebuilding anyway
> due to the ocaml-bisect-ppx and ocaml-lwt updates)
> ocaml-markup: rebuild due to the ocaml-bisect-ppx update
> ocaml-tyxml: rebuild due to the ocaml-ppx-tools-versioned update
> utop: update to version 2.4.3 and BR ocaml-bisect-ppx-devel for the
> tests.  I see that this package is orphaned.  I'll take it if nobody
> else wants it.
> If any package maintainers object to this plan, please let me know.  I
> can submit git pull requests if you prefer to do it that way, but in
> that case please do not start a build after merging as all of these
> builds will need to be done together.  I have done all of the builds
> noted above in mock on an x86_64 machine with no problems.

Seems fine to me.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines.  Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.
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