> Simply put, "no". Debian and Ubuntu ".deb" packages too often don't
> follow the File System Hierarchy, they may have different layouts and
> package naming capitalization schemes for matching Fedora packagers
> like "PyYAML", they may have overlapping pre-set uids and mismatched
> group name conventions, etc., etc, and the grub intigration for new
> kernels is likely to be a nightmare. It would be a full-time job for
> several competent engineers to do that kind of package impedance
> matching.

I'm not interested in debating Debian and derivatives packaging
guidelines, but I generally prefer how Fedora does things (except
notably, modularity).

> Just..... no.aot abd deb inside a "podman" baswed container? Maybe?
> But it seems not worth the pain.

The whole point of this change was to allow working with DPKG tooling
without leaving the comfort zone of Fedora, without forcing a VM or
container indirection. And trust me on this one, I do not inflict
Debian packaging on myself by choice so I'm really keen on not adding
any needless step, to the point where before submitting this change I
had my own homebrew apt package. As a bonus point, this change also
retired apt-rpm which had been dead and unmaintained for a decade, and
according to the upstream developer himself it had unfixed security

So apt-rpm needed to go anyway, and there was no reason not to replace
it with regular apt (apt-rpm would otherwise conflict with apt). And
by the way, even though I initiated this change I later lost my
ability to implement it, but it's been done since f32 thanks to Neal
Gompa and Sérgio Basto.

I hope it clarifies what was actually implemented.

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