The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Request package ownership via the *Take* button in he left column on<pkgname>

This report is available at:
grep it for your FAS username and follow the dependency chain.

For human readable dependency chains, see
For all orphaned packages, see

          Package                       (co)maintainers            Status Change
apache-commons-configuration   fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan, spike    1 weeks ago
celt071                        orphan                              0 weeks ago
hub                            orphan, ralph, sgallagh             2 weeks ago
jboss-interceptors-1.2-api     orphan                              5 weeks ago
jboss-jsf-2.1-api              orphan                              1 weeks ago
log4j12                        mizdebsk, orphan                    5 weeks ago
metadata-extractor2            cquad, orphan                       1 weeks ago
nodejs-http-signature          nodejs-sig, orphan, patches         5 weeks ago
nodejs-node-static             nodejs-sig, orphan, tdawson         5 weeks ago
nodejs-nopt                    nodejs-sig, orphan, patches         5 weeks ago
pdc-client                     bliu, chcao, cheng, chuzhang,       1 weeks ago
                               lholecek, lsedlar, nphilipp,
perl-Math-FFT                  orphan                              0 weeks ago
pipsi                          orphan, python-sig                  3 weeks ago
powermock                      dchen, jerboaa, lef, neugens,       2 weeks ago
pyqtrailer                     orphan                              1 weeks ago
python-XStatic-jQuery          openstack-sig, orphan, rdopiera     2 weeks ago
python-beanbag                 orphan                              1 weeks ago
python-dpath                   orphan                              1 weeks ago
python-libsass                 orphan                              1 weeks ago
pytrailer                      orphan                              1 weeks ago
vdr-skinsoppalusikka           orphan                              4 weeks ago
vtun                           orphan                              3 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: celt071 (1), status change: 2020-10-17 (0 weeks ago)
        mumble (maintained by: carlwgeorge)
                mumble-1.3.2-2.fc34.src requires celt071-devel = 0.7.1-20.fc33
                mumble-1.3.2-2.fc34.x86_64 requires celt071(x86-64) = 

Depending on: jboss-interceptors-1.2-api (1), status change: 2020-09-13 (5 weeks ago)
        geronimo-jcdi-1.1-api (maintained by: jjelen)
geronimo-jcdi-1.1-api-1.0-10.fc33.src requires mvn(org.jboss.spec.javax.interceptor:jboss-interceptors-api_1.2_spec) = 1.0.1.Final

Depending on: jboss-jsf-2.1-api (1), status change: 2020-10-06 (1 weeks ago)
        apache-commons-chain (maintained by: jjelen)
apache-commons-chain-1.2-24.fc33.noarch requires mvn(org.jboss.spec.javax.faces:jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec) = 2.0.2.Final apache-commons-chain-1.2-24.fc33.src requires mvn(org.jboss.spec.javax.faces:jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec) = 2.0.2.Final

Depending on: log4j12 (3), status change: 2020-09-13 (5 weeks ago)
        apache-commons-configuration (maintained by: fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan, 
apache-commons-configuration-1.10-15.fc32.src requires mvn(log4j:log4j:1.2.17) = 1.2.17

        apache-log4j-extras (maintained by: coolsvap, gil, moceap)
apache-log4j-extras- requires mvn(log4j:log4j:1.2.17) = 1.2.17
                apache-log4j-extras- requires 
mvn(log4j:log4j:1.2.17) = 1.2.17

        azureus (maintained by: djuran)
                azureus- requires log4j12 = 1.2.17-30.fc34
                azureus- requires log4j12 = 1.2.17-30.fc34

Depending on: nodejs-nopt (2), status change: 2020-09-08 (5 weeks ago)
        nodejs-markdown (maintained by: nodejs-sig, patches, sdgathman)
                nodejs-markdown-0.5.0-13.fc32.noarch requires npm(nopt) = 3.0.6

        nodejs-touch (maintained by: jsmith)
                nodejs-touch-3.1.0-5.fc32.noarch requires npm(nopt) = 3.0.6

Depending on: pdc-client (1), status change: 2020-10-09 (1 weeks ago)
        odcs (maintained by: cqi, fivaldi, jkaluza, lsedlar, qwan)
                odcs-0.2.50-1.fc34.noarch requires python3-pdc-client = 
                odcs-0.2.50-1.fc34.src requires python3-pdc-client = 

Depending on: python-XStatic-jQuery (1), status change: 2020-09-28 (2 weeks ago)
        python-XStatic-jquery-ui (maintained by: mrunge, openstack-sig, 
python3-XStatic-jquery-ui- requires python3-XStatic-jQuery =, python3.9dist(xstatic-jquery) = 3.4.1

Depending on: python-beanbag (3), status change: 2020-10-09 (1 weeks ago)
pdc-client (maintained by: bliu, chcao, cheng, chuzhang, lholecek, lsedlar, nphilipp, orphan)
                pdc-client-1.8.0-20.fc33.src requires python3-beanbag = 
python3-pdc-client-1.8.0-20.fc33.noarch requires python3-beanbag = 1.9.2-17.fc33, python3.9dist(beanbag) = 1.9.2

        python-lightblue (maintained by: araszka)
                python-lightblue-0.1.4-11.fc33.src requires python3-beanbag = 
python3-lightblue-0.1.4-11.fc33.noarch requires python3-beanbag = 1.9.2-17.fc33, python3.9dist(beanbag) = 1.9.2

        odcs (maintained by: cqi, fivaldi, jkaluza, lsedlar, qwan)
                odcs-0.2.50-1.fc34.noarch requires python3-pdc-client = 
                odcs-0.2.50-1.fc34.src requires python3-pdc-client = 

Depending on: python-dpath (1), status change: 2020-10-09 (1 weeks ago)
        python-lightblue (maintained by: araszka)
                python-lightblue-0.1.4-11.fc33.src requires python3-dpath = 
python3-lightblue-0.1.4-11.fc33.noarch requires python3-dpath = 1.4.0-19.fc33, python3.9dist(dpath) = 1.4

Depending on: python-libsass (1), status change: 2020-10-09 (1 weeks ago)
        python-qtsass (maintained by: nonamedotc)
python3-qtsass-0.1.1-3.fc33.noarch requires python3.9dist(libsass) = 0.20, python3dist(libsass) = 0.20

Depending on: pytrailer (1), status change: 2020-10-09 (1 weeks ago)
        pyqtrailer (maintained by: orphan)
                pyqtrailer-0.6.2-25.fc33.src requires python3-pytrailer = 
                python3-pyqtrailer-0.6.2-25.fc33.noarch requires 
python3-pytrailer = 0.6.1-17.fc33

See dependency chains of your packages at
See all orphaned packages at

Affected (co)maintainers (either directly or via packages' dependencies):
araszka: python-beanbag, python-dpath
bliu: pdc-client, python-beanbag
carlwgeorge: celt071
chcao: pdc-client, python-beanbag
cheng: pdc-client, python-beanbag
chuzhang: pdc-client, python-beanbag
coolsvap: log4j12
cqi: pdc-client, python-beanbag
cquad: metadata-extractor2
dchen: powermock
djuran: log4j12
fivaldi: pdc-client, python-beanbag
fnasser: log4j12, apache-commons-configuration
gil: log4j12
jerboaa: powermock
jjelen: jboss-interceptors-1.2-api, jboss-jsf-2.1-api
jkaluza: pdc-client, python-beanbag
jsmith: nodejs-nopt
lef: powermock
lholecek: pdc-client, python-beanbag
lsedlar: pdc-client, python-beanbag
mizdebsk: log4j12, apache-commons-configuration
moceap: log4j12
mrunge: python-XStatic-jQuery
neugens: powermock
nodejs-sig: nodejs-http-signature, nodejs-nopt, nodejs-node-static
nonamedotc: python-libsass
nphilipp: pdc-client, python-beanbag
openstack-sig: python-XStatic-jQuery
patches: nodejs-http-signature, nodejs-nopt
python-sig: pipsi
qwan: pdc-client, python-beanbag
ralph: hub
rdopiera: python-XStatic-jQuery
sdgathman: nodejs-nopt
sgallagh: hub
spike: log4j12, apache-commons-configuration
tdawson: nodejs-node-static

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Release Engineering. Please report issues at its pagure instance:
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