On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 03:43:34PM +0100, Kamil Paral wrote:
> As someone who hates IRC with passion (including the necessity of
> maintaining a znc instance and dealing with IRC authentication and network
> issues from time to time) and would love to jump to a more modern solution
> ASAP, what is the best course of action for me now?

(ALl this is IMHO of course :) 

> - Create an account with some Matrix server, and join my favorite Fedora
> channels from there?

Yep. matrix.org is the big/popular one. 

> - Or wait until some formal decision is reached and possibly the Fedora
> Matrix server is available?

No telling when that will be and you can always make a new account there
and switch once it exists. 

> - Will there be any advantage in using the Fedora server over others?

Not really I wouldn't think. Other I suppose than identifying you as a
Fedora community member. 

> - If not, do you have any recommendation which server to register at - are
> there any differences between them, e.g. in stability or resposivity or
> features?

Probibly matrix.org is the best bet as they keep up on server versions
and have the most users and run at least some of the freenode bridges.

> - Can I already join all Fedora-related channels hosted on freenode, or
> just some select ones?

matrix.org has a bridge for all freenode channels. The rooms can be
joined as '#freenode_#fedorawahatever:matrix.org". Additionally, we have
bridges for some channels that bridge them directly to
#fedorachannel:matrix.org. I think it's better to use the direct one if
it exists, but it doesn't yet for all channels.

> - Are there any difficulties with the Matrix-to-IRC bridge to be aware of?
> For example do I still need to forward my IRC authentication somehow

You can (and should) identify to freenode's nick server to get privs on
the irc side of the bridge. Open a conversation from matrix with
'Nichserv on Freenode' and you can identify, etc. There's also a bot for
the matrix <-> irc bridge that lets you change your nick on irc, etc. 
Open a matrix room and invite @appservice-irc:matrix.org to it.
Thats the bridge bot. Send it '!help' to find out how to do things.

> through Matrix? Or are modern chat features (like image editing or
> reactions) also supported on those bridged channels? Or anything else?

images on the irc side show up as links to the matrix server. 
(so the irc user sees it, but has to click on it and open in a web
browser). Reactions don't go over the bridge at all. Redacting doesn't
work over the bridge at all. 
> Thanks for replies.


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