Dne 01. 12. 20 v 2:37 Tom Stellard napsal(a):

False positive because they use gcc which was crashing due to the (at the time) missing make dependency. Are these packages missing
BuildRequires: gcc ?

Do I understand correctly, that gcc requires make [0]? Therefore at this stage, it should be enough to have `BuildRequires: gcc` and hence such packages should not be on your list?

I am asking, because for example rubygem-bcrypt is on the list while requiring gcc [1]. This is just one package I have checked (but actually I have added make to the ruby package, later wondering if it was necessary), but I suspect that also other rubygem- packages are similar case. Could you please make sure if they should or should not be on your list?


[0] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gcc/blob/master/f/gcc.spec#_252

[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/rubygem-bcrypt/blob/master/f/rubygem-bcrypt.spec#_16

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