On 09/30/2010 08:54 PM, Sven Lankes wrote:
> 2. The combination of the Mozilla Trademark issue combined with the
>     strict handling of patches by (corporate|distro)-maintainers (I don't
>     think that this is a RH/Fedora issue - same with Canonical/Ubuntu)
>     makes me feel uneasy about ff being called Free sofware.

Please look at this list:



There are 1108 open bugs against Firefox and 404 bugs against 
Thunderbird and new bugs are coming. And there are only three mozilla 
maintainers at Red Hat.

As you can see, it's impossible for us to fix (or even sort!) all 
reported bugs so we really have to cooperate with mozilla upstream, 
which involves *hundreds* of skilled mozilla hackers.

Right now, we are in process to redirect firefox/thunderbird crashes 
directly to mozilla crash database (http://crash-stats.mozilla.com) 
which is handled by mozilla guys, instead of our bugzilla, so they can 
help us with all Fedora Firefox/Thunderbird crashes.

And you can imagine that we can't achieve that with Fedora customized 
Firefox build. If we want help from upstream we have to follow some rules.

If Red Hat paid hundreds mozilla hackers to work on Fedora/Red Hat 
mozilla packages, we would start talking about driving it. Until then we 
don't have any other choice. And it's really not about Mozilla Trademark.


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