On Wed, Jan 27, 2021, at 11:50 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> You can do this in mock without messing with your system. You can use 
> `mock -i some.rpm`, you can even use `mock --pm-cmd whatever dnf 
> command you want to use`. You can use `mock your.srpm 
> --short-circuit=install` and similar. You can use `mock shell --unpriv` 
> if you want to tinker more. Mock is everything you ever wanted to 
> develop for Fedora.
> So could you please share with us specifics of your workflow which 
> makes it unique and which really requires `fedpkg local`? I can't 
> imaging that intentionally breaking the host system due to testing 
> soname bump is the right thing to do.

Personally I spend 95% of my time inside an unprivileged pet "toolbox" style 
container with podman; I very very rarely execute any commands on the "host" 

And mock doesn't really nest well (nested containers in general are possible 
but still involve some tricky compromises).

So I use `fedpkg local` a lot, and I also often install these packages into my 
dev container *or* I just skip RPM entirely and `sudo make install`.  For 
CoreOS stuff I use 
https://coreos.github.io/coreos-assembler/working/#using-overrides a lot which 
makes it convenient to take these built binaries and launch them in qemu.

This of course gets into the broader overlap between mock/podman and 
Koji/Kubernetes which is also touched on in 

It'd all be much more obvious if the RPM buildroot was just:
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-buildroot:33
RUN yum builddep foo.spec
RUN fedpkg local
And so if you want a pristine build locally you just use a wrapper tool which 
scripts unprivileged podman.  (Yes, this loses RPM caching if done naively but 
has other massive advantages, such as being able to trivially spin up a shell 
on a remote Kube cluster that is *exactly* the build environment, etc.)

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