
the exact version requirement is in place to avoid incompatibility between the policy on the target system (system you want to install the module on) and the custom policy module.

Lets call the policy used to compile your module "A", policy on the target system "B" and your custom module "C".

C can be incompatible with B if A contains a new definition (object class, permission, type or boolean) that is not present in B and the newly defined name is used in your module (e.g. because of an interface used in your module). The incompatibility will prevent installation of your module ("semodule -i" will fail).

Please see [1] to get an idea of when you can expect new definitions to appear in RHEL policy.

Depending on an unversioned selinux-policy-base can therefore cause problems not only when installing policy compiled on RHEL to a CentOS system, but also when installing it on the same version of RHEL, with outdated system policy.

I would at least suggest using dependency on some reasonably recent fixed version of selinux-policy-base, and testing each new build of your module on a system with that fixed version of selinux-policy-base.

However, it would be best to avoid cross-sytem installations.

Hope this helps.


[1] - https://access.redhat.com/articles/4854201

On 1/27/21 6:30 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
Hi folks,

Many applications ship their own "-selinux" sub-package. These
subpackages usually set a minimal dependency on the exact
selinux-policy version in the buildroot.

In Ceph's case, we have:

   Requires(post): selinux-policy-base >= %{_selinux_policy_version}

This version requirement causes problems in two scenarios:

1. If we build Ceph on CentOS Stream, the ceph-selinux package will be
uninstallable on RHEL.

2. If we build Ceph on the latest RHEL 8, the ceph-selinux package
package will be uninstallable on RHEL 8 EUS.

Is it safe to drop the exact version requirement here and just depend
on an unversioned "selinux-policy-base"?

I can't find any official Fedora Packaging Guideline on this. I opened
https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/49034 to track this in Ceph upstream.

- Ken
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