On 29/01/21 16:00 +0000, Tom Hughes via devel wrote:
On 29/01/2021 15:53, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On 29/01/21 16:47 +0100, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 25. 01. 21 11:00, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
Tom Rodgers completed the Boost 1.75.0 build for the change
and I've rebuilt most of the packages that depend on it...

Hello. I now see a strange build failure on a package that is not listed here, because it doe snot require boost on runtime, only build time.

python-pynest2d FTBFS: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1922297

I see deprecation warnings like:

CAUTION: Boost.Geometry in Boost 1.73 deprecates support for C++03 and will require C++14 from Boost 1.75 onwards.

And than I see a lot of errors. Is it possible that the errors are relevant to that deprecation? The line is suspiciously in  future tense, but this laready is Boost 1.75, right?

Yes, Boost.Geometry in 1.75.0 requires C++14, the warning is ...
broken. In more than one way.

Just changing the compile flags will likely fix it - it did for
wagyu which failed with the same error in the mass rebuild.

I notice that it didn't get picked up in the boost update because
it looks like wagyu didn't get rebuild - presumably because it's a
header only library and you only rebuilt the things that wind up
with an soname dependency?

Right. If I understand correctly, that's all that's (strictly) needed
when changing a package soname. Packages already built against the
older headers will continue to work.

And this time round there was going to be a mass rebuild as soon as
the boost builds finished anyway.

The unannounced C++14 requirement was unfortunate, if it had been
listed at https://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_75_0.html we
would have put it in the change proposal (it's there now).

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