
I would like to start helping with maintaining a/some package(s). I
have read the pre-requisite documents, did the RPM creation tutorial,
and signed up to all the mailing lists. 
I am currently self employed providing industrial control services to
some businesses in my area, which is the South Bruce Peninsula in
Ontario Canada. I live in between Lake Huron to the west and Georgian
Bay to the east. It is currently very cold here -10C, but not like out
West (-49C in Saskatchewan).
I am somewhat active in the Fedora community, most recently I am an
editor and writer for Fedora Magazine. I am also a moderator on
discussion.fp.o, where I try to help out when I can and generally enjoy
the community interraction that is to be had there. I have also helped
Silverblue project a bit with documentation in the past, and am an avid
promoter of it as a very stable workstation alternative.
In my day job, which I have been doing in one form or another since
1986, I have had to program or debug programs on a diverse range of
control systems. As a result, I have been exposed to, and in many cases
had to learn a number of different languages. The most relevant of
which would be C/C++ and Java. In industrial settings it is commonly
the standard C lib used, but periphery equipment such as thermal
printers often would accept java code as well as basic if you were so
inclined. In any case, there were also various Unix, Qnx, and
eventually some Linux based control systems in use on the plant floors
I visited. 
I would like to put my programming skills to use in the project where I
can, perhaps staring with an orphaned package(s) since I have built
RPM's and flatpaks too for that matter even before doing the tutorial.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to
helping out.

Stephen Snow
devel mailing list -- devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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