OK, so then the problem here is avahi, or more specifically, that nss-mdns4_minimal is listed before nss-resolve and nss-myhostname. We need nss-myhostname to come before nss-mdns4_minimal. Drat. We spent a long time thinking about the order the NSS modules should be listed, but then made a last-minute change to move nss-mdns4_minimal forward in order to work around a bug with systemd-resolved not handling mDNS properly: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1867830. When we moved nss-mdns4_minimal, we should have moved nss-myhostname too.

This is a little hard to fix because the scriptlets that write this configuration are fragile, maintained in multiple places (systemd and avahi), and depend on assumptions about the previous state of the file (created by authselect normally, but possibly also by the glibc package). So the way our RPMs configure this line is really quite fragile unfortunately. We will have to discuss the best way to fix things.

For now, keep nss-myhostname at the start of the line, right after files. We will probably need to find a way to either (a) fix systemd-resolved to handle mDNS properly, so we can move it after nss-resolve, where it really belongs, or (b) move nss-myhostname in front of nss-mdns4_minimal.


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