The problem is that compiz-reloaded (0.88) has several adjustments for MATE 
desktop, eg. gtk-theme reloading during theme switching, desktop shortcuts, 
special theme page in ccsm, etc. 
I don't want lost this for users of mate-compiz spin.
For privat reasons i don't have the time in the next 2 years to help with 
adjustments for MATE desktop in compiz-0.9.
So, i really prefer to leave existing compiz-reoaded like it is in fedora.
Feel free package a compat version of 0.9x.
Keep in mind that you have to rename package names, binaries and libs to avoid 
I recall that compiz was dropped from fedora after the first update to really 
bad first 0.9 versions. I brought it back to fedora after 1 year and users had 
a nearly bug free experience with compiz since fedora18 ;)

Well, you should ask Jaroslav for further information, he the current main 
maintainer of compiz.
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