Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Would the libgpod update require rebuilding or changing anything
> else?  How many other packages depend on that?

The libgpod update should be safe.  Though if it was up to me I'd wait
for libgpod to reach 0.8.0.  Upstream is treating 0.7.95 like a
release candidate.  I don't know how long it might take though.

The big change between 0.7.93 and 0.7.95 is that the mono bindings
were added, which is what Banshee 1.8 needs.  I don't have an opinion
on whether Banshee should or shouldn't be updated in a stable release.
I don't use it.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
If barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
    -- Jack Handy

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