Am 29.04.21 um 21:27 schrieb Joan Moreau via devel:
IsnĀ“t there a muh more systemic (and simpler) process to push a RPM in the distribution ?

Fedora tries to ship working software. This means there has to be at least one person who really cares about each Fedora package. All these processes to try ensure that someone is sufficiently motivated and knowledgeable so users can trust on Fedora packages.

That being said I can see that some of these docs can feel "overwhelming" and from my observation not all packages follow the guidelines all the time. So I'd like to encourage you to join even if you feel that you are lacking some skills. However you should be willing to spend some time for at least 1-2 years when trying to get a new package into Fedora.

If you just want to package something for Fedora users without long-term commitments you can also try COPR:
This is similar to Ubuntu's PPAs or the OpenSuse build service.

Your contribution will have a much lower impact (as the software is not available by default for all Fedora users) but you can push your package without any review and it is easily available in a somewhat well-known location. Also it can provide a starting point for others to submit the package for inclusion in Fedora.

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