On Fri, Apr 30 2021 at 10:59:22 AM -0500, Ron Olson <tachokni...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hm, so does that mean it was packaged specifically for CentOS so it
presumably shows up in the CentOS repos?

No, content flow is the reverse in el8:

RHEL 8 (upstream) -> CentOS Stream 8 (downstream)

Whereas for el9 the flow is:

CentOS Stream 9 (upstream) -> RHEL 9 (downstream)

Anyway you can see the shiny new cmake is in CentOS Stream 8, so can guess it's probably going to be included in RHEL 8.4, which we've just publicly announced will be released imminently. What I do not know is how long it will take to reach the EPEL buildroot, because I don't know how the buildroot is composed.

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