On 5/7/21 4:45 PM, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
Hi, I'd like to retire the original glib, GLib 1 from the GNOME 1 era. This is would take out the gtk+ package (GTK 1) along with it. (I'm not proposing to remove GTK 2.) GLib 1 has been obsolete for 19 years now, since GLib 2 was released in March 2002. That's a real long time to maintain a compatibility package, so I'm not sympathetic to anything that still requires it.

GLib 2 has been API and ABI stable for 19 years now, so it's not moving too fast for your package to depend on. :) The full list of packages still depending on GLib 1 is below. If you own one of the below packages, please consider upgrading to GLib 2. The only one that I recognize is Sagemath.

$ sudo dnf repoquery --recursive --whatrequires glib

This is a packaging mistake, it should depend on glib2.
I will be fixing this ASAP.

Best regards,

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