Dne 14. 06. 21 v 19:30 Vitaly Zaitsev via devel napsal(a):
On 14.06.2021 19:16, Miro Hrončok wrote:
That is exactly the thing we need to avoid. Python packages without tests always cause trouble when we measure impact of our changes. E.g. when we continuously rebuild packages with the next Python release, pure Python packages with incompatibilities but without %check always succeed the build, but they break other packages.

OK, I will orphan all my Python packages than. I don't want to deal with tests at all.

I think that "use your bests judgement" still applies. So whatever is in guidelines should be respected, but sometimes there needs to be exceptions.

Nevertheless, I definitely support Python team in making %check section mandatory and should if disabled, it should be well reasoned. This is what Ruby guidelines says on this topic:


If there is test suite available for the package (even separately, for example not included in the gem but available in the upstream repository), it SHOULD be run in |%check|. The test suite is the only automated tool which can assure basic functionality of the package. Running it is especially helpful when mass rebuilds are required. You MAY skip test suite execution when not all build dependencies are met but this MUST be documented in the specfile. The missing build dependencies to enable the test suite SHOULD be packaged for Fedora as soon as possible and the test suite re-enabled.



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