I tried to contact the people behind "Standard Test interface" CI.
I sent the e-mail about 3 weeks ago.
Then after about 2 weeks (= ~1 week ago) I reacted to the same email
so it would appear in their inboxes again.

Yet no response came, so i'm trying here.

---------- Original message ---------
From: Michal Schorm <msch...@redhat.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 9:42 PM
Subject: Fedora - Standard Test Interface - not enough verbose output
To: <st...@fedoraproject.org>, <pin...@fedoraproject.org>,


I have a package: 'mariadb-connector-odbc'.
It has a single STI test in it's dist-git repository, under 'tests' directory.

I've made a PR to the package, attempting (amongst other stuff) to fix the test:

This is the "Fedora CI - dist-git test", which is passing, but I'm not
satisfied with:

The thing is, that the Jenkins only show me a quiet log:

However I want to see the verbose log by default.
(A log that does not only show commands ran, but their output too)

I've ran the STI test manually, in a VM.
I've uploaded all the resulting artifacts here:

One of the artifacts is what I got in Jenkins:

And this is the one I want to see in jenkins:

Is there a way to get the type of the result I want from STI ?


The artifact I want seems to be generated by default, so it shouldn't
be difficult to add it to the Jenkins, right ?

Also, it might be just a configuration issue in my own test.
If I remember correctly, I wrote this test as an early adopter, about
3 year back. (git blame says 2018-05-10) and maybe I just need to
update my 'tests.yaml' somehow ...


Btw the Jenkins calls it "Standard Output", but when I ran it
manually, that output was actually an error log:
The actual standard log was the verbose one :)


I've found your contacts here:


Michal Schorm
Software Engineer
Core Services - Databases Team
Red Hat

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