On Fri, Jul 09, 2021 at 11:13:19AM -0400, Christopher wrote:
> Why does FAS use the email forwarding address when I use it to
> authenticate, rather than the permanent @fedoraproject.org alias for
> the address?
> I should be able to change my forwarding address without changing how
> authentication works. However, it looks like if I change my forwarding
> address, then try to use FAS to log in to Bugzilla, it would tell me
> that there is no account for <forwarding address> and asks if I want
> to register. This currently happens when I try to log in with FAS,
> because I registered my bugzilla account using my
> ctubb...@fedoraproject.org alias instead. Obviously, I don't want to
> create a new account if I change my forwarding address. I can't
> imagine ever wanting to authenticate using my forwarding address,
> rather than my Fedora alias for accessing Fedora systems, because my
> forwarding address is subject to change.
> Every FAS account has a corresponding @fedoraproject.org email alias.

There is the invalid assumption :)
You need to be in one group and have signed the FPCA to have the alias.
You can see have a FAS account and do contribution (for examples to projects
hosted on pagure.io) without either of these requirements.

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