On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:01:50PM -0500, Richard Shaw wrote:
> So I've spent about 40 hours pushing through build problems in the COPR[1]
> I've set up beating what packages I could into submission and moving the
> ones I couldn't (or shouldn't) port to the openexr2 compat package.
> Some of the ones I didn't even try porting were packages that looked to be
> legacy like the kde3/kde4 ones or packages on their 40th release with no
> activity upstream. I don't want to update any package when it's unlikely or
> impossible (dead upstream) that OpenEXR 3 will ever be supported officially.
> Some packages only needed some build system updates because of the
> restructuring of the libraries. Others needed just a little bit of porting
> in the code.
> With all that said, I'm down to one package/problem... Blender
> The problem is not with Blender itself, but rather that it depends on
> OpenVDB and I've already confirmed with upstream that OpenEXR 3 will not be
> supported until the next major release. Ironically they are both under the
> stewardship of the Academy Software Foundation (AWSF) so great coordination
> there... :/
> That being said, OpenSceneGraph wasn't ready either but it was relatively
> easy to port after I figured out that the EXR plugin it builds doesn't
> create a fatal error during the build when it fails (frustrating!)
> Ok, and as usual, writing all of this has helped me work through porting
> OpenVDB... I'll see about sending the patch upstream.
> I'll probably create the side-tag tomorrow and start working on the builds.

Thanks for working on this!

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