* Dan Čermák:

> it has been recently proposed to switch openSUSE to run ldconfig via a
> %transfiletriggerin/-un scriptlet instead of manually in %post & %postun
> the same way as Fedora does it at the moment.
> However, an interesting issue has been raised: what happens if package A
> gets upgraded in the same transaction as package B, but B needs A during
> the upgrade. A will install a new shared library, but ldconfig will run
> after B has already tried to upgrade.

Fedora ships the soname links in the package, addressing this issue.
For example, openssl-libs contains:


As a result, running ldconfig is purely an optimization.

There are some packages that install fails into /etc/ld.so.conf.d, and
such packages still have to run ldconfig explicitly.  (We should perhaps
move those shared objects to /usr/lib64, too.)

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