On Thu, Sep 2 2021 at 07:49:29 PM +0100, Leigh Griffin <lgrif...@redhat.com> wrote:
Gating is optional so it shouldn't be causing an issue directly for those who haven't opted in

I believe this is incorrect, it's now required for critical path packages. Otherwise it wouldn't be running at all, because I don't believe we've opted-in to anything. (If we had opted in, where would we have configured that?)

I should not receive any emails telling me that tests
 have failed unless some test has actually failed.

Agreed, go ahead and file it as a bug on the Bodhi tracker and we can take a look at it

I think we have a bug report already, actually, but I just don't know where it is. :/ I can report a new issue if nobody remembers where to find the existing one.

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