
I've been trying to add the OPT token from accounts.fedoraproject.org to my yubikey. I get a QR code and a otpauth://totp/username?secret=xxx URI.

I copypasted the xxx secret (56 characters: digits and uppercase letters) and tried to add it via YubiKey Manager GUI via Applications/OTP as OATH-HOTP (6 digits).

I get "Failed to configure Long Touch (Slot 2). undefined" error.

When I tried to use the CLI:

    $ ykman otp hotp -d 6 -c 0 2 xxx

I get "Error: key lengths >20 bytes not supported".

Is there a way to use YubiKey for accounts.fedoraproject.org OTP, or is the device not compatible?

Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
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