On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 10:44 PM Luya Tshimbalanga
<l...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hello team,
> ImageMagick is updated on Rawhide and got side tag as
> 35-build-side-47231.

Sorry, I am confused. Did you mean to say the update and rebuilds for
rawhide are *finished* and you're starting the process for f35 now?
Otherwise, the side tag name does not match "updated [...] on Rawhide
and got side tag as [f]35-build-side-xxxxx".

> For my understanding, the following packages
> (including those from RPM Fusion) may need a rebuild based on these
> dependencies:
> `dnf repoquery  --whatrequires "libMagick*" --qf "%{reponame}
> %{sourcerpm}" -q | sed 's/updates/fedora/' | pkgname | sort -u`
> fedora autotrace
> fedora chafa
> fedora converseen
> fedora digikam
> fedora dmtx-utils
> fedora dvdauthor
> fedora eom
> fedora ImageMagick
> fedora kxstitch
> fedora pfstools
> fedora php-pecl-imagick
> fedora psiconv
> fedora q
> fedora R-magick
> fedora rss-glx
> fedora rubygem-rmagick
> fedora synfig
> fedora synfigstudio
> fedora vdr-scraper2vdr
> fedora vdr-skinelchihd
> fedora vdr-skinnopacity
> fedora vdr-tvguide
> fedora vips
> fedora WindowMaker
> rpmfusion-free libopenshot
> rpmfusion-free xine-lib
> Please use f35-build-side-47231 side-tag to build your package, and I
> (or my co-maintainer) am intending to merge in F35 repository in about a
> week.

Given that Fedora 35 is now officially *stable*, and ImageMagick not
being a leaf package, such a disruptive update would require FESCo
exception to the Updates Policy.
If you want to file a ticket for such an exception, it would be great
if people could verify that this is actually the *complete* list of
packages that need to be rebuilt (and that they indeed *can* be
rebuilt without issues on F35), so that there is no negative fallout
from broken dependencies on a stable release.

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