Jan K kirjoitti 13.11.2021 klo 8.55:
My name is Jan Kuparinen
I work as a DevOps engineer. In the past I have made rpm packages of a private 
project, so I have some idea of packaging progress. I have also made some 
contributions to various Fedora projects.

I took a look at the orphaned package list for packages needing maintenance and 
found that https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/truth is in retired state, but is 
needed by quite a few other packages.

There have been several commits in the last few weeks to the repo, so is this 
actually maintained?

If indeed this package is in need of a maintainer, I think I can help with that.

Hello Jan,

The Package Sources page you link has the following visible, confirming that the package really has been is orphaned:

* "Package is currently unmaintained"
* Bugzilla Assignee: Fedora: orphan

To adopt it, you simply need to click the "Take" button on the left hand side. To do this, you need to be a member of the "packager" FAS group. You need to follow the sponsoring process [1].

However, as you already noticed in the Git log, @orion seems to be doing something with this package right now [2]. Perhaps it would make sense to contact him directly and ask what is going on and express your interest in (co-)maintaining the package?


[1]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/How_to_Get_Sponsored_into_the_Packager_Group/ [2]: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/TO6ZK3XVYV6KRIXQ7J24RF2GIT42JXJD/
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