On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 03:05:37PM -0500, Robbie Harwood wrote:
> Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Since it's not practical to modify almost all Fedora packages to add
> > "ExcludeArch: %{ix86}" to them, we'd probably need a different
> > machanism for this. I have a vague idea:
> Is it really not?  This seems the easiest way to go about it, honestly -
> just have it be permitted for maintainers to opt their stuff out of
> building on x86 and let the problem take care of itself recursively.

Yeah, I think I'd go this way too. Instead of trying to maintain this
centrally in koji, do it at package level, using proven-packager privileges
to smooth the initial process.

I.e. something like: OK, we don't want to build libreoffice for i686.
libreoffice is annotated with "ExcludeArch: %{ix86}", and *at the same time*
any packages which (transitively) BR:libreoffice, are also annotated.
(They don't even need to be rebuild.)
And then repeat for another "big" package.

I think this way to go is OK because we mostly care about some of the
"big" packages that take a long time to build. Most low-level packages
build just fine on i686 so we don't care if they are built unnecessarily.

And obviously the advantage is that this can be done now, and doesn't
require any new infra or maintenance. The only trick would be how to
figure out the transitive BR tree, but apparently there are some scripts
that people have.

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