What can expect user that have system booting with GRUB2 and installing 
Fedora? It is natural to expect that after Fedora installation will be
bootable both systems Fedora and other distro.
But if GRUB2 can not be detected there should be some kind of 
warning about that. This is the reason why it may be described in 
Installation Guide.

Fedora 14 Installation Guide have some mention about GRUB2
but it is still not clear is anaconda capable to detect it.

Jeff Spaleta wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:00 PM,  <alekc...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> There is nothing about GRUB2 in Installation Guide
> I'm not sure why there would be an expectation that their would be.
> Fedora doesn't use Grub2. There are many possible bootloaders that
> could be on a system. Do we mention any of them by name anywhere?
> We do have this just above the snippet you quote:
> "You may have a boot loader installed on your system already. An
> operating system may install its own preferred boot loader, or you may
> have installed a third-party boot loader.If your boot loader does not
> recognize Linux partitions, you may not be able to boot Fedora"
> How do we make it any clearer than that?
> -jef

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