Hi Steven,

Am 03.12.21 um 16:19 schrieb Steven A. Falco:
There was an update [1] to libjxl that appears to have broken some
dependencies (gimp-jxl-plugin, jxl-pixbuf-loader, libaom, etc.).

I'm not sure if the negative karma is helpful, since this update has already been pushed to stable a few days ago.

libheif is not part of Fedora (likely installed from rpmfusion-free) and
the update was not coordinated between Fedora + RPM Fusion (as expected - RPMFusion is an independent 3rd party repo.

I think there is some progress to rebuild the package but you should watch RPMFusion bug 6158: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6158

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