* Volker Fröhlich [12/12/2021 23:03] :
> All of my packages are up for grabs.

For the curious, volter maintains the following packages:

 * cptutils
 * dans-gdal-scripts
 * e00compr
 * esniper
 * freexl
 * gdal
 * grass
 * libgeotiff
 * librasterlite2
 * libspatialite
 * mingw-polyclipping
 * polyclipping
 * pyshp
 * python-OWSLib
 * python-phyghtmap
 * python-Rtree
 * qextserialport
 * qgis
 * readosm
 * routino
 * saga
 * snmptt
 * spatialindex
 * spatialite-tools
 * xerces-c
 * zabbix

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