On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 05:50:25PM +0100, Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
> But being allowed to run custom or self-developed software is a core feature 
> of Free Software. If that stops working in the name of "security", Fedora is 
> no better than iOS (where Apple also claims the restrictions are for 
> "security" purposes), and becomes entirely useless for me.

As I understand the proposal:

1. There is a mechanism for users to add their own digest lists, if they
   want. The change proposal could be a little more clear on how this would

2. The proposal calls for a checkbox in Anaconda to enable the feature.
   (We probably do not actually want a checkbox in Anaconda, though.) It
   also says "The feature might be enabled later by the user without any
   change required for the image generation" — which I think is primarily
   saying that the feature could be turned on without needing to remake the
   boot image, but which also seems to also say that it's not necessarily on
   by default.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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